
Thank you for taking part in the Eyemouth Community Survey in March!

We are now in the second stage of creating a Place Plan for Eyemouth. We have gathered all the feedback you gave us and developed some ideas for the town’s future.

Through this Community Consultation we want to show you some initial proposal for the future of the town, and we want you to tell us what you think!

Come talk to us to share your thoughts, or complete the online survey where you can view the proposals and tell us what you think!

Did you know?

Eyemouth has been selected as one of four towns in the Scottish Borders to benefit from the Borderlands Place Programme. This initiative, backed by government funding, aims to invest in town development and renewal. This consultation will help finalise a Place Plan, which is all about making Eyemouth better for everyone, both now and in the future. It is your chance to tell us what you think of emerging proposals for the future of Eyemouth.

To find out on how to get involved, click on the ‘Have your say’ button above!

To find out more about the Borderlands Place Programme and Place Plans, click on the FAQs.

Thank you for you for your help!

The Eyemouth Town Team


What is the borderlands Place Programme

The Borderlands Place Programme aims at investing in Borderlands Town Regeneration to improve local wellbeing and boost economic growth. The Place Programme is one of the key initiatives stranding from the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, a cross-border agreement for investment into Borderlands Local Authorities.

Towns within the programme are eligible for funding which can be used for a range of interventions, such as

  • Purchase and assembly of land and buildings
  • Remediation of vacant and derelict sites
  • Property development and enhancement, including schemes to encourage private, public and third sector investment in improving buildings, re-modelling business premises and conversion of buildings to new uses to support the repurposing of towns (eg. residential, leisure, community uses)
  • Development of arts and culture, visitor economy, community and skills and education facilities
  • Enhancement of shop, business and commercial public facing fronts
  • Development of the upper floors of buildings for affordable housing and other uses

To apply for the funding available, Eyemouth is required to create a community-led Local Place Plan (see below). This will be followed by a Town Investment Plan, a business plan looking at how the funding could be spent, and/or complemented by funding available from other sources.

To find out more about the Borderlands Place Programme click here

What is a Local Place Plan?

Local Place Plans, introduced by the Scottish Government, give communities the chance to shape development in their area by expressing their ambitions for future changes. These plans allow communities to propose how land and buildings should be used and to create their own plans within the new Scottish planning system. Local Place Plans can also include ‘non-spatial aspirations’ for the future of an area not normally considered as ‘development’ and include, for example, proposals that don’t impact long-term land use, such as activities and events, or improvements to services.

Local Place Plans help communities identify priority projects for regeneration and outline steps to bring these projects forward. Through this process, communities will have a document which summarise key aspirations, and use this to support funding applications.

The Eyemouth Place Plan will set out the community’s vision for the town’s growth and help identify projects that can attract funding and are in line with local, regional, and national planning policies.

To find out more about Local Place Plans click hereTo see the Scottish Borders Council's answers to FAQs regarding Place Plans click here

Is there funding Available?

The selected towns are eligible for investment from a £7.25 million fund over 7 years (2024/25 - 2030/31).

However, no funds have been applied for yet, and no projects have been identified.

The Place Plan process will help identify priority projects for the community that align with the Borderlands Strategic Objectives and funding criteria. Projects that may not qualify for Borderlands funding could still be eligible for other sources, such as local or national government, third sector organizations, or private sector funding.

Who is involved?

Eyemouth Town Team
New Practice

New Practice are experts in place working across the UK and internationally. The practice is committed to embedding social value in place-based projects across the UK and beyond through community engagement, meanwhile use, retrofit & reuse and strategies for community; ensuring that community-centred briefs and shared decision making shape the future of the built environment.

Have your say!

Building upon the findings of previous engagement and community surveys undertaken by the Eyemouth Town Team, we have drafted initial proposals for inclusion in the Eyemouth Place Plan.

In November, New Practice engaged with the local community and ask thoughts on the initial proposals for the Eyemouth Place Plan.

Thank you to everyone who spoke with us or shared their thoughts through the survey!

The consultation period has now closed.

We’ve received so many valuable comments and feedback, and the team at New Practice will now begin collating these to work with the Eyemouth Town Team on the next stages of the Eyemouth Place Plan.

We look forward to sharing updates with you in the New Year!

If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ page or get in touch via email.

Click on the link below if you would like to view the proposed projects on the information boards.

View the information boards

To sign up for any updates, please send an email to eyemouth@new-practice.co.uk, with the subject line Eyemouth Place Plan Updates.

We look forward to hearing from you!


The best way to give your feedback is to come to one of our community event or fill in the online survey, head to Have Your Say! for more information.

If you require a paper copy of the survey, please contact us via email below or at 0141 226 4092
